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If you have a security camera outside your home, you may notice cobwebs obstructing the view from time to time. In the spring and summer months, when insects are out more, you may be wondering how to keep spider webs off of security cameras outside your house. The truth is, spiders don’t love your cameras—they love the bugs attracted to the infrared light emitting from your camera. This can be a real issue for homeowners because spider webs not only obstruct visibility but can also trigger false alerts for motion-activated security cameras. So, what can you do to prevent spider[...]
Wireless home alarm systems are exactly what they suggest—security systems without wires. These alarm systems typically use a control panel and a series of sensors that are connected with built in radio frequency transmitters. Once your alarm system is triggered, a signal is transmitted to the control panel and the alarm is activated. Some benefits of wireless systems are that they allow for remote system management through your mobile device, and integrate with other smart home functionality like lights, video surveillance and thermostats.
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